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The World's Easiest Guide to Getting SAPARi up and running

Hello and welcome, reader!

I'm Blendo and here's my fail-safe guide on how to play SAPARi さぱり in just 3 minutes.

1. Get SAPARi here. Unzip and execute to install SAPARi to C:\Sony\Community Place Browser.

2. Get the Launcher here, for setting up multiuser functionality.

3. Type your nickname, copy and paste the chosen server IP out of those listed below:

  • sapari.jp:5126 – for either MIL-HGpark.wrl (after changing shortcut links and IPs) or MIL-HGdowntown.wrl

  • mechanopixel.xyz:5126 – for either MIL-coast.wrl or main.wrl (non-MIL COAST?)

then choose the world, and press 'OK'!

Hint: Visit https://mechanopixel.xyz/bureau-status/ for real time view of list of users joined in mechanopixel.xyz:5126

Have a stroll, have a chit-chat.

SAunter PArk RElaxation.

Safari Park

Refreshing - Just take 3 steps to party relaxation. 

Sapari: Play with the whole world